Saturday, April 24, 2010

Living in a House of Girls - Poor Tim

Okay, so our household changes constantly. Sometimes it's just Tim and I at home while Emma is at her dads... but most often Emma stays here with us... Tim's daughter Lisa has moved in twice... once over Christmas and now she's back with us over the summer months. As well, Staci has moved in after her college has ended for the semester. Needless to say there's a big demand on bathroom time, lots of giggles and music, and let's not forget the refrigerator door is constantly opened and closed! Life with three daughters at our home is interesting... needless to say.... Many people say that combining households and families can be stressful. We can probably relate to that as the days unfold. Today however there is peace.... Two girls are downstairs giggling about something while waking up on the hide-a-bed they pulled out last night, one is still snoozing in the big cozy bed upstairs, the dogs are both looking at me in hopes that I might feed them and walk them, I'm relaxing with my 3rd cup of coffee thinking about what my day will hold.... and oh yes Tim, let's not forget the the 'Alpha Male' that has to put with us all..... He's out quoting awning jobs and meeting with our web designer.... Smart man that Tim.... busting his butt with work instead of entering the realm of estrogenville. In the picture here is Emma and Staci... two of the four women in our home! TTFN... Carla xox

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